Thursday, December 15, 2011


When I was a kid I used to talk and act infront of the mirror. Acting like I’m a reporter like every kid their age. Then when I’m on my 4th year in highschool my grandfather told me that I should take up MASS COMMUNICATION because I do fit becoming a reporter. And yes I go after what my late grandfather wants me to take. I’am now a masscommunication student of Centro Escoar University.

At first I thought being in this course is a waste of time because what I really want is to become a doctor.  But as time passed by I’ve learned to enjoy my course and my school as well. I’m loving my course especially when I get to make a film, learn about photograpy and now Im an intern in radio veritas, where I realized that I really want to be a broadcaster.

I always have a heart doing public service and in veritas I found where my heart belongs. I’m not about the money or fame. All I want to do is to serve people especially those who are less fortunate or innocent victims. just like what Maria Ressa says “I don’t manage them because they are not the interests of the newsroom. We are a newsroom run by journalists, and our end goal is to hold the government and the private sector accountable for the public good.” by what she said I want to apply it when or if ever I’ll be working as a reporter. A good reporter will not and never be afraid to tell the truth or broadcast it. As media practioner, We should be accountable for everything we’re goin to say and do. Responsible enough to handle the truth and be the voice of the people or better to say voice of the TRUTH.

Reading her article open up my mind and heart that I should do what my heart wants to and be someone that not money or power will control me but the TRUTH.  Qouted from Maria Ressa’s article again “In order to do that, we journalists have to first hold ourselves accountable, making sure we protect no vested interests. If we do our jobs well, all Filipinos will benefit. If we do our jobs well, we will help build a better nation with more transparent processes.” I do agree with what she said. Because doing our job RIGHT will help our nation to get better and be a land of hope. 

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