• To students/authors of this blog, be sure to rename your blog username with your real name so we can identify each other easily.  


  • Post at least one (1) reflection paper every grading period. That means you're only required to post at least three (3) reflection papers this semester. Think of your own title for the post, do not use "ReflectionPaper #" as title. Put your byline.

  • You may also post links to materials (pictures, videos, articles, etc.) related to our course and may be used for online or class discussion. 
  •  Stay on topic. No unnecessary comments or chat on the threads.


  • Post substantial feedback on your classmates' works. A minimum of three (3) comments are required every grading period. This is to encourage active online discussion on the comment threads. RESPECT. 

**Blog posts will be moderated before it is published on the blog.**