Media Ethics Class-B4B 2011-12
Monday, March 12, 2012
Majal Quita
Salamat Po.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Ethics: A Rule to Live By
“Media Ethics” what comes to your mind? The first thing I heard the subject we are taking is all about the rules, regulations and laws. I described it before we started lesson as “What is right and wrong”.
First and foremost, I am thankful to our professor as well as to the subject, I really don’t have idea of how to use blogs and I am blessed to require us to use blogs also for our subject matter, also I was able to learned to write importantly I am not really excellent in writing but in the term we had I was given an opportunity to have freedom of expression to write what is my intention and thoughts after the lessons we had.
I am very grateful specially to Ms. Candice Reyes our professor, before we end up this school year at least we are given a chance to teach us by newly SELAMS Professor for MC 110 which is really very thoughtful and has a “long-term patience” because of the trouble we had during the subject meetings as regards with the networking sites J . All the things I haven’t known in media standards ethics and public policies she was able to educate and noted us.
And how to value such things particularly doing things related to the course, it best given when our professor required us not to use PLAGIARISM which are most of the students don’t mind the words, sentences etc. they copy and paste without citation of the author these is also describe as intellectual property theft.
The first comment entered in my mind is that “I think it would be difficult for us to apply it, but we’ll try” honestly, in some moment it became a norm of some students to plagiarize one’s work, but then in manner that it is required I realized that it would the time to value one’s work. Indeed, plagiarism is against the law and each passing day who abides the law is accusing him/her a criminal.
From the first day of our meeting until the end of the term it is PLAGIARISM that is the most important topic I learned and the word that will not exist in my everyday living and I was able to apply it also with other subject matter.
As you notice that this Mass Media Ethic is just a typical word for us but when you recognized that plagiarism is a crime, yes! We are free from internet access but do you think it is a practical way to use works of the authors? Of course it is not! Valuing one’s work will give you a reward that you yourselves work can do what is the author did, we you can by your own patience.
My second most essential topic I learned is the bias/impartiality, to be express as against one thing, person or group while impartiality is treating all rivals equally these are all stated to our lecture.
I chose this topic because it was explained and expounded what are the things that should and should not judge to any team environment or individually. I was able to understand how does to use these ethics for our career plans and to get awareness as a future broadcaster and us media we shall treat individuals equally.
The final topic which is most vital to me is the lesson about staging. I am proud as well as glad that I was able to recognized portraying photos to public which some of these showing as staged. Staging also can be damage your reputation in your audience it is a learning not to do unwanted deliberation of photos it is because photos are being posted around the world.
Added to my important learning and kind of made to be fun is the activities we had. Thanks to Ms. Candice Reyes J I guarantee you that the entire lesson we had will help me for my next career goals.
Source and Reporter Relationship
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Gaining Public Trust
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Once a Reporter, Always a Reporter.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012