Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ATTENTION: Required Readings, Exam, Project, READ ON!


I have important matters to announce.

Kindly read until the end and pass on (especially to those who are always absent)

1. Film viewing will be at the MIR. It will start at 8 AM.
2. After watching, group yourselves into 5. Kuya Roden will give you discussion guides. You need to submit your discussion notes in a one whole sheet of paper per group with attendance. And please return the discussion guides.

>>> REFLECTION PAPER #6 (LAST ONE!!) DUE ON FEBRUARY 01, 9PM (online submission)
Write your individual reflection on the film after your group discussions. Note your answers to Question #11. What are the other examples of images/themes/stereotypes prevalent in Philippine TV / films? 

*Points are deducted for incorrect subject head and file name formats. We already talked about this months ago. Refer to the Class Guide

All of the readings are available in the library
 **Required readings mean it will appear on your Midterm exam. Suggested readings are optional, but surely worth the read :)


***Groupings will be the same with the previous group project. Please assign a group leader who will email me your group's top 3 proposed topics with your reasons in bullet form, then I will reply with your approved and assigned topic.

This can be found in the class guide provided to you at the beginning of the class. No more minimum number of words, as long as every member's contribution is detailed in the peer evaluation:

Group Project (Media Coverage Critique) – This will be your final project in the second grading period. Pick a topic in the news and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of that news coverage. Identify patterns significant in the way the issue/event is covered, the ethical questions raised by the coverage, differences between print  and broadcast, assess the quality of the coverage. There will be peer evaluation.

Refer to this post for some guide questions for your project.

AND PLEASE... avoid vague statements, sloganeering in your papers. Support your stands with facts and examples (quotes, pictures, video grabs, etc.)  Or better, by raising interesting ethical questions. 

Format: TNR, 12, 1.5 space (min. of 10 pages) 

Submit in printed form on or before February 21, till 4PM only. 

Useful tool for your citations:


Just a reminder, your midterm exam is coming up! (It's on February 11).
If you have any questions, concerns, I'm available for consultation every Tuesday at 1-4 PM or you may email me anytime.


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